News from Little River Naturals RSS

Skin care benefits of Sea Kelp offer superior hydration as well as anti-inflammatory and anti-aging benefits. Rich in vitamins and trace minerals, Sea Kelp can be applied on the skin as a firming agent, healing agent, exfoliating agent, and strengthening agent.

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We cannot assume that the essential oils that we have easy and reasonably affordable access to today will be available to us indefinitely if we do not each play our part in responsible usage, conservation and sustainability efforts.

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Carrots -

The industry is full of expensive products claiming to be great for your skin, but who would have thought that something as simple as a carrot would beat them all. Carrots are seriously a wonderful additive for skin products for a healthy complexion. Full of vitamin A, which is essential in repairing the skins tissue as well as antioxidants to help fight free radicals and the harmful rays of the sun. Carrots are also full of vitamin C and that aids in collagen production. So eat your carrots or wear your carrots, either way you can't go wrong.

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Baobab oil -

What an informative article on Baobab oil.  

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Palm Oil -

Here is a great article about palm oil.

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